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Deepening the Circle; a Plant Deva connection class 2025

6 Mondays 6-9  a light supper will be served

As we welcome the essential and often misaligned dark and cold of Bdeóta Othúŋwe's (Dakota; Many Lakes City) winter time, our plant relatives are shifting energy form seed to root.

Just as when a loved one moves onto the next part of their journey, we can sometimes feel sad at the lost time, the missed opportunities to deepen our relationship with the plant world.​ We see the above ground dying off of our beloved plant friends and are reminded of the many ways we want to preserve and extend our relationship to these cherished relatives of the Plant Kingdom.

Do you wonder how to build these types of connections with the plant world?

​Do you want to develop your own reciprocal relationships with the herbs and flowers you see and use every day?​

I invite you to join me in a series of deep dives into ways to be with our plant community. In this series, we will explore a few chosen Plants' life/death cycles, and how they relate to us.

​From seed to table and back to the earth, we will learn and practice plant allyship, medicine, and spirituality through group study, medicine making and testing, herbal crafts, and more.

​At the end of each monthly session, you will finish with;

•a deeper connection to the chosen plant

•a basic understanding of how to harvest, preserve and care for the plant

•how to be of service to your plant relative

•a personal Medicine craft of each plant

•tinctures, flower essences, recipes, salves, oils, hydrosols and more​


Each deep dive will consist of weekly classes, most in person at my home, and on Zoom.

For in-person classes, I will provide a Community cook dinner of soup and salad.

Each session will be $50 a class, for a total of $200 with supplies and meals included.

Payment plans and partial scholarships are available. Please reach out to me personally.

Jan 07, 2025, 6:00 PM CST
Camden-Victory neighborhood
From seed to table and back to the earth, we will learn and practice plant allyship, medicine, and spirituality through group study and connection, medicine making and testing, herbal crafts, and more.



Do you wonder how to build these types of connections with the plant world?

Do you want to develop your own reciprocal relationships with the herbs and flowers you see and use every day?

I invite you to join me in a series of month-long deep dives into ways to be with our plant community.

In this series, we will explore a few chosen Plants' life and death cycles.

From seed to table and back to the earth, we will learn and practice plant allyship, medicine, and spirituality through group study, medicine making and testing, herbal crafts, and more.

At the end of each monthly session, you will finish with

  • a deeper connection to the chosen plant

  • a basic understanding of how to harvest, preserve and  care for the plant

  • how to be of service to your plant relative

  •  a personal Medicine Diva doll of each plant

  • tinctures, flower essences, recipes, salves, oils, hydrosols and more

Each deep dive will consist of weekly classes, most in person, in my home and garden, and on Zoom.

Each class will be on a sliding scale starting at $25 (for a total of $100 and up for the month) paid weekly or in advance.

For in-person classes, I will provide a Community cook dinner of soup and salad.



Tuesday 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th

Week one, in person Baami’s place 6-8:30/9pm


  • We will learn what Plant Divas are and how to work with them

  • Introduction to Motherwort

  • Harvesting

  • Flower essence making

  • Homework, proof flower essence, keep a journal


Week 2 , Zoom 7-8:30

Plant Talk

  • Check in, share experiences with flower essences

  • Motherwort's medicinal, spiritual and magical uses, plant lore and counter-indications.

  • Motherwort Meditation


Week 3, Kitchen and Baami’s Place 6-8:30/9pm

Medicine Making day!

  • We will make Motherwort tincture, tea( how to make it tasty), oil and salve!


Week 4, Baami’s Place, basement workspace or garden 6-9:30

Motherwort Diva Doll and your medicine altar

  • Medicine Altar discussion

  • We will craft a Motherwort Medicine Doll

  • Greeting/goodbye ceremony

A Month with Friends; Herb Diva introduction class 2024
Tuesday evenings weekly from 6-9p

As we begin the wind-down time of summer, we notice our spring plants dying off and going to seed. Just as when a loved one moves onto the next part of their journey, we can sometimes feel sad at the lost time, the missed opportunities to deepen our relationship with the plant world.

We see these first rounds of the dying cycle for our beloved plant friends and are reminded of the many ways we want to preserve and extend our relationship to these cherished relatives of the Plant Kingdom.

Doll Workshops

Ancestor doll workshops are my most popular offering and can be a powerful and fun way to connect with your ancestors, known and unknown, while in a supportive group space. Groups of up to 12 people are led through a series of steps to explore our connection to our ancestors.

The workshops are broken up into three simple journeys:

  • simple guided meditation

  • voluntary truth-telling/storytelling

  • doll making exercise

Although I will provide everything one needs to make a simple Waldorf-inspired doll, participants are encouraged to bring doll making items that have special meaning to personalize their creation. For example, a loved one’s old tie, beads from a broken necklace, dried lavender, flowers, or other herbs from your garden. We are making these dolls to be a reminder of the feelings, thoughts, memories, and experiences we have around our ancestors.

The process is often a light-hearted exploration of ourselves and our relationships with our loved ones. While easy banter and laughter during a session have been the norm, sometimes the experience of connecting to our deeper selves can be painful, so it is also normal to witness the cleansing release of tears. The goal is not to create a “group therapy” situation, but to co-create a supportive and fun listening circle, ready to hold space for what comes to the surface.

My doll workshops can also explore other themes and are a wonderful and healing way to mark special occasions with friends and loved ones from simple pillow making to celebrations such as holidays and birthdays. Let's set a beautiful intention together!

 3hr session | 5-person minimum |$99 per person

© 2024 by d.headington
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